there are 2 categories of care home resident in the UK:
1: self funding. these pay the care fees themselves, care home owners like these...they can charge whatever they like---typically five to seven hundred pounds a week. the money may come from savings, pensions, help from family, but it often involves the sale of the clients own home. the care home owner hopes they live to a ripe old age, whereas family members cast a nervous eye on the rapidly dwindling inheritance.
2: funded by the local authority. the fees are paid by the local authority: in other words--the taxpayer. the local authority has set amounts they will pay, depending on the level of care required. the fees are nowhere near enough, and contributions are expected from the client, or their family. often, the clients home has to be sold--to repay the local authority. or a charge imposed on the deeds if there is a surviving family member still living there. from my experience care standards are somewhat less, but it would be improper to suggest the taxpayers hope the client doesnt drag it out too long.